4 Tips to Combat Everyday Stress


Stress is an unfortunate side effect of our daily lives. While it can be good, like experiencing nerves before a big race or starting a new job, it often impacts our days negatively. We can be stressed out by getting stuck in traffic, or having a big project consistently getting hiccups, but our bodies react the same way. When we experience stress, our bodies go into “flight or fight” mode, which can cause damage if it’s experienced long-term in the form of acute inflammation. I’ve outlined a few tips below to fight every day stress to keep us healthy, and happy, for a long life.

1.       Find time for movement.

One of the best ways to combat daily stress is to find some time for movement. Getting up and moving around will help to reduce your blood pressure, give you a boost of energy, and release feel-good hormones like endorphins to boost your mood. And it doesn’t need to be a structured or hard workout – even walking around your block for 10 minutes can give you stress-relieving benefits.

2.       Set boundaries for self-care.

We often think of self-care just as a face mask at the end of a long day or a good book and a glass of wine. And while these are always good ways to practice self-care, caring for yourself can involve so much more and can be done throughout the day. There’s a great quote that has made the rounds lately that is helpful for self-care in everyday situations – “You cannot pour from an empty cup”. Remember to set boundaries so you are not running yourself into the ground and you can continue to do all the awesome things you do! Self-care is knowing what you need and setting the appropriate boundaries for yourself without feeling guilt. “No” is a complete sentence and can help you prioritize your day to manage daily stress.

3.       Eat what makes you feel good.

Fueling your day in a way that makes you feel good can keep you energized and prepared to handle unseen stressors. Starting your day with a protein and complex carbohydrates (i.e., whole grains) can help you feel full longer and avoid a spike and crash in your blood sugar. Focusing on eating whole foods throughout the day can help you to avoid a brain fog in the afternoon as well. By properly fueling your body so that you feel good and energized will keep you prepared to handle whatever your day has in store.

4.       Breathe.

When all else fails and the stressors of daily life make you feel frazzled, remember to breathe. Slow down, take a deep inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth slowly. Repeat as needed. Taking time to focus on your breathing tells your body that you are in a relaxed state even if you are running from one thing to the next. This simple exercise can reduce daily stress that leads to long-term inflammation.

If stress management is a part of your lifestyle health goals, reach out to us today to schedule your complimentary consultation!


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